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Assumption College Newsletter - 07 June 2024

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Assumption College Newsletter - 07 June 2024

By Mrs Liisa Hammond, Principal


Gospel Mark 14: 12 – 16, 22-26. 

This past Sunday is remembered as once being Corpus Christi; now it is known as Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is a Gospel, recounting the Transformation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ – the celebration and belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. 

Transformation is a theme that is deeply intrinsic to the educational community. The call for transformative education has arisen from the unprecedented challenges and changes that our society is facing within our modern context. Whilst these challenges and changes can seem overwhelming, especially for young people, the belief in the power of the human experience to undergo profound and positive change, is transformative. Understanding our capacity for transformative change informs transformative education. The enduring belief in the potential of each young person to learn and be successful in their learning journey is fundamental to education at Assumption College. 

Ultimately, education is about learning to read and write, the fundamentals; however, transformative education is learning how to collaborate, relate, empathise with others and undertake complex thinking and problem-solving. Transformative learning is more than just memorising facts; it is about reevaluating our past ideologies, reaffirming our beliefs, deepening our connections and celebrating the potential for new insights - a true reflection of being the face of Jesus for every member of our College community.

Artificial Intelligence Can’t Dance The Tango Your Way – Brother Damien Price


I have a good friend who was once an elite basketball player. He also prided himself on being somewhat of a Fred Astaire on the dancefloor. Apparently, during his basketball days, the players would often find themselves at a nightclub. My friend’s signature move was the “sprinkler” – standing in the middle of the floor, strobe lights ablaze, my friend would circle around with his hands outstretched and fingers flicking out like a sprinkler. I still have nightmares thinking about it.

I know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has and will gift planet Earth. In the areas of medical science, it is already aiding quality of life, deep research, and insights into data analysis that are extraordinary. But, as with mobile phones, as with Internet use, as with anything that takes us away from the sacred ground of human-to-human or human-to-nature personal direct interaction, we need discipline, deep critical thinking skills and strong boundaries. 

AI can’t know the heart of the parent who walks the hallways with the crying child – nor the feel of hands in the earth as one gardens – nor the joy of a parent when shown their infant child’s stick art. AI can’t listen for a melody longing to be expressed from within the budding amateur composer – nor know the need for the half-time oranges at Junior Football – nor sit by a palliative care bed and hold a loved one’s hand. AI can’t look into the eyes of a loved one and read the story there – nor giggle uncontrollably at a Kindy concert – nor blush awkwardly on a first date. AI can’t know the value of ‘one step after another’ discipline as you make your way up a mountain climb – nor the dignity of knowing you chose right at a values crossroad – nor the heart-touched joy at the mountain top vista at the end of a long climb. AI can’t stop in awe at the birth of a child – nor wonder at the dolphin’s dance – nor walk beside pain when no words need to be said. AI can’t strive for your best and be proud of the journey – nor read the teenage mood swings – nor find faith and trust in the midst of confusion. AI can’t fall in love and clumsy your way through romance – nor smile at yourself in the mirror at your foibles – nor be captured by the majesty of a waterfall. AI can’t tear up as an orchestra reaches its crescendo – nor grimace as the child practises the recorder – nor know what tiny personal touch will mean so much in a gift. AI can’t write THAT letter that your heart knows needs to be written, beyond what some algorism whispers – nor give a speech that is authentic, real and you – nor roll around on a floor and play dead with a pet dog or toddler. 

AI can’t do awe, pathos, empathy, or courage in its thousand faces. AI can’t teach hard work, fidelity, self-discipline, self-forgiveness, gentleness or the need to just grieve. AI can’t hug nor hold, reach out or hold lightly. AI can’t replace the longing heart, the bursting with love and joy heart, nor the long, lonely winter of struggle – from which dawn will surely come. 

I could go on. But despite all the potential that Artificial Intelligence has to enhance the quality of human life, it can never replace the beautiful tango that is life. It can never replace the to and fro of the head, the heart and the hands. It can never replace the authentic human response that is just YOU, and beautifully you – and a you that is not perfect nor ordered nor logical nor right. 

I always go to the counter and order, and I call the human being wearing the badge and serving me by name. Never before have we needed critical thinkers who can champion the human response, the human heart, the OK messiness of life and the worth of a journey one step after another. 

You and I are called to be those critical thinkers! It will be a sad day when my friend does not make his way to the centre of the dance floor and dance the ‘sprinkler’ his way – replaced by a large TV screen with some artificially enhanced model dancing a ‘sprinkler’ according to data imported by some robot devoid of the human heart.


May our Mother Mary grant her blessings upon our College Community. 

2024 Term 2 Dates

If you wish to submit a newsletter article, please email to by Wednesday 19 June 2024. Please note that all articles are subject to the Principal's approval. 

By Mrs Anna Hardy, Assistant Principal Curriculum 



This is the business end of the semester for assessment, and there are many exams occurring in classes and assessments due. Please be aware of this if you are collecting your child for appointments. The assessment calendars are available on the website to assist with this scheduling. 

Year 11 'Ace Your Exams' Workshop 

We are pleased to announce that on Wednesday, 12 June, during the Wellbeing sessions, all Year 11 students will be participating in a workshop facilitated by an esteemed external consultant, Elevate Education. Elevate Education offers a specialised program aimed at equipping students with the essential skills to thrive academically and succeed in their future careers. With nearly two decades of experience working with over 3000 schools, Elevate Education has developed a curriculum specifically tailored to enhance high performance. 

During this workshop, our Year 11 students will focus on various aspects of exam readiness, including effective exam preparation strategies, essential exam room skills, and time management techniques crucial for success in exam situations. 

Year 10 Semester 2 – Maths and English selections 

Information has been emailed to Year 10 parents about Semester 2 Maths and English choices. A letter will be emailed to all Year 10 parents suggesting which selection is advised by their current English and Maths teachers. Students will be emailed a web preference link to make their final selection. 

Semester 1 Academic Reports 

We would like to inform parents that the Semester 1 Academic Reports will be published on the Sentral Parent Portal by the end of this term. To ensure you have access to the portal and can view your child's report, please verify your login credentials. If any assistance is required, please do not hesitate to contact the College office for support. 

Years 9 and 10 Electives – Semester 2 

All Year 9 and Year 10 parents have received a letter containing their child's chosen electives for Semester 2. Please be advised that students will have until the end of Week 2 next term to make any adjustments to their elective choices, if desired. After this deadline, no further subject changes will be permitted. 

Year 11 Academic Interviews 

Year 11 Academic Interviews will commence in Week 1 of Term 3. Parents of Year 11 students will receive their interview schedules in the upcoming week. These conversations serve as valuable opportunities to discuss your child's academic progress and set goals for their future. We look forward to engaging in these meaningful discussions with our Year 11 students and their parents.

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in your child’s education. If you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance around curriculum matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or 4660 4000.

By Mrs Julie Collins, Assistant Principal Pastoral and Wellbeing 


Self Improvement

This is not the first time I have written about The Little Things, and the students hear about them regularly in assembly and in College notices. 

The older you get, the easier it is to understand the importance of getting the little things right. School life requires students to always be looking ahead, planning, setting goals, focusing on the big picture. Where do you want be? What next? … 

Then we say, ‘get the little things right’, and one day they will look back and see the little things really were the big things in life. 

How do we manage that balance? To be able to focus on the end goal and pay attention to the little things requires cultivating mindfulness and perspective. Encouraging students to set goals, while also emphasising the significance of attention to detail, can help them understand the importance of both aspects in achieving success and fulfilment in life. 

Teaching them to appreciate the journey as much as the destination: what a task!


Be your best self – the idea of being the best you can is about striving to be the best version of yourself every day, not just the good days. It requires continuous learning, growth and practicing the habits and values that align with who you are aspiring to be.

Purposely practising who you want to be requires conscious choices that reflect the direction in which you are heading. Start with small steps or … the little things!

This, too, is a journey of self-discovery and refinement.

With that in mind, let’s always try and finish things the way we meant to start.

We are in the last weeks of Term 2 - finish well and start Term 3 with the purpose of being our best selves and getting the little things right! This will certainly be something to look forward to.

By Mr Thomas Duggan, Sports Coordinator  


Broncos Cup Challenge Gala 

During Week 6 and Week 7 of Term, Assumption College competed at the 2 Broncos Cup Challenge Gala Days for Rugby League and Netball. These Gala Days were held at Stanthorpe and Goondiwiindi. Assumption College fielded 2 Rugby League teams, 1 in A Grade and 1 in B Grade. We also fielded 3 Netball teams, 1 in each A, B and C Grade. Congratulations to our Rugby League B Grade Team, Netball C Grade team and Netball B Grade team who were the overall winners for their respective Divisions. This was an almighty achievement for Assumption College. Well done to all players that attended and competed to such a high standard and thank you for representing our College with such pride.


By Mrs Alison Porter, Career Development Practitioner 


Year 10 Work Experience Block 

Year 10 Students are currently embarking on their work experience block this week Monday 10 June – Friday 14 June 2024. We wish the students all the best for their week and hope they find it an enjoyable and rewarding experience!

Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo 

More than 80 students attended the Brisbane Careers Expo on Friday, 24 May 2024. By all reports it was an enjoyable day and we hope visiting the 160+ vendors gave students a valuable insight into the vast range of career opportunities available to them.


Coming Soon: Warwick Careers Expo

It is that time of year again when our College gears up to host the annual Warwick Careers Expo on Tuesday, 16 July 2024. Local and district secondary schools are invited to this, and we are expecting many students from Years 10, 11 and 12 to attend.
Following on from last year's success of over 30 exhibitors and in excess of 400 students from schools all over Warwick, we are excited to again be hosting this event at our College in Locke Street, Warwick. Members of the public are also welcome to attend.


Date Claimer: AgInspirations

This program is provided by Ag Force in partnership with the Department of Employment, Small Business & Training. It offers Years 10, 11 and 12 students, interested in agriculture, an opportunity to explore career pathways and the local industry. Students who are interested will be provided with an information flyer and draft schedule.

The program will run from Monday 22 July – 24 July, 2024 within the Warwick district and surrounds. A letter will be sent home to parents regarding this shortly.

Date Claimer: Aspire2Health

The College would like to offer students in Year 9 and upwards the opportunity to participate in the Aspire2Health program. Aspire2Health is a collaboration between Griffith University, Southern Queensland Rural Health, the University of Southern Queensland, and Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise. This is a one-day program that offers workshops and information sessions about careers in the health industry.

The program will be held at the Warwick Hospital Griffith Clinical Training Centre on Wednesday, 28 August 2024. More information will be sent home to parents shortly.

Date Claimer: First Aid Skill Set Course

The College has organised a first aid skill set course to be delivered to students currently studying Certificate III in Sport & Recreation and/or Certificate III in Fitness and who have not previously completed their first aid. This first aid course (HLTAID011 - Provide first aid) is a core and mandatory unit of the Certificate III in Sport & Recreation and Certificate III in Fitness, and successful completion of the first aid unit is required for final award of these qualifications. The first aid skill set course requires students to demonstrate competency in both theoretical, and practical training and assessment. The practical session will be held at Assumption College on Monday, 17 June 2024 and students should wear their sports uniform. Online theory for the course (for which participating students have already been emailed a link) must be completed by Thursday, 13 June 2024.

We are looking forward to offering the first aid skill set course again in September and welcome any students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to participate. More information and permission forms will be made available for the second course closer to the date.

Espresso Machine ‘Barista’ Course 

Last week, some Year 11 & Year 12 students participated in the Espresso Machine ‘Barista’ Course offered by Aurora Training Institute. Students showed off their newfound Barista skills on the third day of the course, by taking staff orders and making some fabulous coffee! Well done to the students involved.


Tafe Trade Taster Program 

Applications are now open for the next intake for the Trade Taster Program at TAFE for Term 3. If students are interested in participating in this program, they must apply online before the end of Term 2, Friday, 21 June 2024 by visiting TAFE Application - Pathways ( and entering the application code found at the bottom of the flyer.


The Library Staff

Despite The Rain and The Cold Front, A Lot is Happening In The Library! 

The Esports event on Saturday, 11 May, 2024 was a resounding success! Five talented players, accompanied by Mr Fern, competed in the League of Legends Tournament at QUT. Despite a challenging first round, the boys rallied and secured a victory in the second round. We're incredibly proud of their performance and look forward to more exciting competitions in the future!

New Display

Our new display encouraging students to 'Read the Movie' is up and running. We are having some great conversations about what books we'd like to see turned into movies and how different some movies are from their books. What's your favourite book that has been turned into a movie?

Activities in The Library

With this chilly weather, even more students than usual are finding their own little spot in the library to do some activities. Chess is as popular as ever; UNO cards are flying off the shelves; and board games are seeing a lot of use. We're glad everyone is enjoying their time with us.

Dungeons and Dragon

The Dungeons and Dragons group is thriving with adventurers eagerly joining a new campaign led by one of our students. We're thrilled to see students exploring their creativity through storytelling and supporting their peers by taking part and creating characters that enrich the narrative. Miss Quinn is enjoying her roles; running, and playing the games. We're excited to see our students continue to embrace the magical opportunities Dungeons and Dragons offers. 

3D Printing Club

The 3D Printing Club is on its way! We have been working hard to create a policy that keeps everyone safe while learning to 3D print, and coming up with fun ways to teach all the skills that 3D printing involves. Thank you to the students who have already expressed interest and stay tuned for more info! 

End of Term

The end of the term is creeping up on us, and you know what that means... Book Week is almost here! Book Week will run from the Saturday 17 August - 23 August 2024, and the theme is "Reading is Magic". Start thinking of your otherworldly costume ideas now, and get ready to have a magical time as we explore the theme and celebrate our love of reading.

By Mr Richard Coe, Curriculum Leader  


Tia Excels in Local Eisteddford 

Tia Stewart recently competed in Stanthorpe for the Eisteddford.

She competed in the ‘Australia Composition’ playing Fishy Fairy; the piano solo playing the ‘Marvel Theme’, which many heard at the Assumption College Variety Showcase. The top four was incredibly tight and it was a ‘toss up’ on who would win. Tia played her pieces perfectly and came in third. There were just two marks between fourth and first, showing that it was a really high-quality field with really high quality playing.

Tia also entered for the ‘set piece accompaniment’ where she played ‘Cockles and Muscles’ with a singer, and this time, she placed second.

Everyone at Assumption College is very proud of Tia and her growing confidence and quality in performing live in front of an audience. Keep it up and that 1st place finish is bound to come!


Crafty and Creative Students Creating Jumper’s Masterpieces!

As documented in previous newsletters, students (ably supported by Mrs Cullen and Mrs Williams) are beavering away every Wednesday creating crafty magic for Jumpers and Jazz in July 2024.

We currently have two art and fashion projects underway: wearable art and College tree design which can be seen during the festival. In wearable art, students are working on two different designs – one based on butterflies and the other on ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and the creativity from the artist is really great to see.

For the butterfly inspired design, students have been experimenting with origami as well as blending wire and fabric work for the skirt design. Students working on the ‘Beauty and Beast’ inspired design are using the actual book as part of their design – staining and glueing pages to fabric. The team have been experimenting with how to get the pages to stick but also allowing the fabric to still be malleable – quite a challenge but they are having fun figuring it out!

Please come and see our final designs by attending the free Wearable Art Exhibition at the King’s Theatre 9:00am - 4:00pm during the festival.

Next door, the craft team have been working with College leaders on a ‘Front of College Tree Design’ which will be an installation outside of the College for the duration of the festival. The College colours are playing a prominent role in the design and students were very hard at work last week making giant plaits to hang from our College tree.

Jumpers and Jazz runs from the Thursday 18 July – 28 July, 2024 in and around Warwick and the College will be present at a number of events. In addition to the wearable art and tree exhibitions, the College Jazz and Concert Bands will be playing outside of Warwick Town Hall on Thursday, 25 July 2024 between 11:00am - 12:30pm and the catering students will be helping at the Potters’ soup event later that evening or phone Leah on 0411335193 for more details.


Harmonies and Raspberries!

After performances from Miss Brims, Mrs Hohenheim and Mr Coe during Assembly, a brand new Assumption College Vocal Group was launched for all students and staff at the College. Miss Brims optimistically made enough copies for around 15-20 attendees – only to be overwhelmed with happiness when over 40 showed up! Male and female students from all years were joined by a handful of keen staff and were soon giggling to the ‘blowing raspberries’ warm up, followed swiftly by some scale and interval practice.

For the group’s first song, Miss Brims has chosen ‘Best day of my life’ by American Authors; a popular choice amongst the group. By the end of out first session together, we had sung through the song and rehearsed the chorus in two parts complete with harmonies!

As Curriculm Leader for Arts and Performance, it is my mission to place ‘arts at the heart’ of Assumption College and the launch of this new ‘safe space for singing’ is a very exciting next step towards fulfilling this mission.

If your child is interested in joining the vocal group, please assure them that:
  • No experience is necessary
  • There are no auditions for the group
  • No student will be forced to sing by themselves
  • They do not need to be able to read music
  • This new group (name to be decided by students in the coming weeks) is open to anyone in the College community who would like to sing. So, do encourage your child to come along 10:45am -1:15pm on Fridays.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Richard Coe in the first instance.

Coming Up

Thursday 18 July 2024 – Saturday 28 July 2024: Jumpers and Jazz in July, 2024. Wearable Art Exhibition at the King’s Theatre

Thursday 18 July – Saturday 28 July 2024: Jumpers and Jazz in July, 2024. Musical performances, wearable art exhibition, potters’ soup night, and tree decoration

Thursday 15 August – Sunday 18 August 2024: Queensland Catholic Schools and Colleges Music Festival at Villanova College: Concert Band only

Wednesday 2 October 2024: Theatre trip to ‘Wicked’, QPAC – letters coming soon

To be announced: (watch this space!)

Rodeo 2024
School Production 2025

By Mrs Amanda McCosker, College Chaplain  


Week 8

We are definitely on the downhill slide into the holidays, although it may not feel like it when you are right in the thick of assessments and exams. Just keep trying your best!! Each task that you are able to complete is one more task you can cross off your “to-do” list; each assignment you complete gets you one step closer to being done for the term. As I mentioned in last fortnight’s newsletter, the mark you receive on a test is only one small part of you. 

Breakfast Club 

Breakfast Club is still happening each morning and serving up warmth to start each day. A steaming cup of Milo and a perfectly toasted slice of bread are the ultimate beginning to a day of learning. A heartfelt “Thank you” to all the students who make an effort each morning to keep the breakfast table clean and tidy; it is noticed and appreciated! 

Lunchtime Activities 

I am hoping to start some lunchtime activities in Term 3. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know, as I am happy to make any ideas happen for you all. How about restarting our Just Dance sessions, or we could even have a lip-syncing competition where teachers and students battle it out for glory? Perhaps a Random Act of Kindness Club could sprinkle joy and smiles throughout our College?
Remember, kindness is a superpower. Take care of each other, be kind and stay warm.


By Mrs Jenny Gillespie, Counsellor  

Teens Online? Advice from the eSafety Commissioner


Families vary a lot when it comes to their habits, opinions and rules regarding the Internet and what is and isn’t acceptable for teens online. Parental concern regarding their teens’ online activities (how much is too much etc) as well as strategies to navigate this challenging topic are though a frequent topic of conversation in the College Counselling office.

Most often, parents worry about their teens’ moods, social habits, energy levels, behaviour, routines, friendships, stress levels and academic engagement, and wonder if excessive or unregulated screen time is partly to blame.

There is never a 'one size fits all' approach to managing these issues; however, if left unchecked, excessive and/or unregulated screen time can have a negative impact on teens, and the following article from the esafety Commissioner describes some basic considerations and helpful strategies for parents in this regard.

For further discussion or resources regarding the internet and adolescence, please contact either Jenny Gillespie or Brett Armstrong via the school office Monday-Fridays.

Marketing Team 

At Assumption College, we recognise that the transition from primary school to secondary school is an exciting and vitally important time in the lives of students and their families. To help make this move from primary to secondary school smoother and less daunting, we have developed a comprehensive transition program. The purpose of this transition program is to enable students to become immersed in and familiar with the secondary school environment, experience new subjects and lesson changes, and help ease students into their secondary studies.

Transition Afternoons at Assumption College are not only for our new students. We would like to take this opportunity to also invite parents to the College to join us for a welcome afternoon tea and a parent information session. This will be an opportunity for us to provide valuable information to parents/guardians on the transition to secondary school, and to answer any questions you may have.

Our first Transition Afternoon will be held on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, and is open to all Year 6 students from any primary school. Register online via the QR code if you would like your child/ren to come and experience Assumption College for an afternoon.


Years 7, 8 and 9 Students, Parents and Families 

Step into the museum after hours and embark on a captivating journey through history. From ancient artifacts to modern marvels, you'll have the opportunity to explore and learn alongside your children in this immersive experience.
This is an opportunity to witness firsthand the incredible accomplishments of your children. Celebrate their hard work, creativity, and dedication as they showcase their achievements in a setting that's both educational and entertaining.
Please RSVP via this link by Friday, 14 June 2024 

Mrs Bianca Retallick, Curriculum Leader

Hello ACW Community

So far, this year has been jam-packed with amazing literary and language opportunities for students at Assumption College. We have many budding poets, authors, song writers, linguists and debating stars. Since February, the Assumption College debating teams in Years 8, 9, and 11 have competed in the Queensland Debating Union’s Toowoomba Secondary Schools Competition. Our students have tackled controversial topics such as enforced military service, international exchange, influence of social media and Artificial Intelligence, along with more abstract topics such as self-sacrifice, and media’s misrepresentation of mental health and the morality of not participating in our nation’s democratic opportunities.

It has been a gift to watch our students work together to devise, design and deliver outstanding arguments filled with insight, emotion and logic. I cannot be prouder of our students and the way they have represented our College with dignity and respect. After four hard-hitting rounds, the combined Year 7 and 8 team, along with the Year 11 team, retire their palm cards for another year. We thank and congratulate the Year 7 and 8 team: Desmond Selfe, William Wooding, Bridie Sharp, Cienna Ryan- Mason and Abigail Chapman Daly. Similarly, we congratulate and thank the Year 11 team: Amy Ryan, Jett White, Ziggy Gibson, Isabella Sullivan and Joshua Gale. The Year 11 team entered a new sphere of debating, with the involvement of sanctioned questioning known as Points of Information. They also had to battle both Year 11 and Year 12 teams. They did a terrific job and I look forward to working with the junior and senior teams again next year.
The debating journey is not over for our two Year 9 teams, however. The Year 9.1 team: Lauren Ryan, April Nelson, Summer McKelvey and Aishleen Sidhu won four out of four rounds, demonstrating their superior skill, round after round. Similarly, our Year 9.2 team consisting of Ella Winfield, Elliotte Kynaston, Georgia Lee and Tia Stewart won three of four rounds. Another stellar display of debating skill. While we wait for confirmation of our final round debates, I want to acknowledge and thank these students for their dedication and commitment. I also need to thank and acknowledge the hard work of our coaches, for without them, we cannot provide opportunities like this for our students. Thank you to Mr Riley Salter, Mrs Carmel Wooding and Ms Sandy Brown for guiding and supporting our students in this endeavour.
Well done, Assumption College debaters!