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Assumption College Newsletter - 18th February 2022

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Assumption College Newsletter - 18th February 2022

By Mrs Liisa Hammond, Principal


To Every Person Living on this Planet, this is the opening of Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’ (Praise Be to You). Laudato Si’ was introduced as our Liturgical Theme for 2022 by our Assistant Principal – Carol Sharp. As such, I will begin this newsletter with the same opening.

Within the encyclical, a religious letter, that was delivered to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, there are so many moments which deserve consideration and contemplation. To explore Pope Francis’s writing, I would like to draw upon some quotations that may create dialogical opportunities for us to explore:

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” (Paragraph 160).

“Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change.” (Paragraph 202).

Luke 6: 17, 20 – 26 The Beatitudes 

Any time there is an opportunity to impart a literacy lesson, you know that English teachers get excited. Fr. Bony’s explanation of an oxymoron at Mass on Sunday, was an excellent example of this opportunity. For those who need a quick reminder – an oxymoron combines contradictory words, for example: bittersweet, deafening silence, or living dead as opposed to a paradox which combines contradictory ideas for emphasis. As Fr. Bony expressed, there is an oxymoron in the statement “… but woe to you who are rich … woe to you who are laughing now …”. Whilst these statements can cause confusion, what Jesus is proclaiming is that the poor, the hungry, the suffering and the persecuted are blessed; whereas those who are rich, satisfied, who laugh, and are praised, should be admonished. The reason for this is that God is close to those who suffer. We are called, as Catholics, to see beyond the surface of superficiality and be awakened by Jesus’s warnings of woe to those for whom life is not a struggle. We should not become complacent by what society deems as successful trappings. Instead, we should find the opportunities to be the Face of Jesus to those who are poor, hungry, suffering, or persecuted – those on the margins of our community. The beatitudes allow us to explore what truly gives our lives meaning, what allows us to be true witnesses of our faith.

Welcome Liturgy – Opening Address 

To stand before an audience and speak is to make yourself vulnerable. I thank Carol Sharp, Fr. Bony, Juliana Cruda, Taylah Eastwell, Rachael Jordan and Tom Doherty for their willingness to assist in the Welcome Liturgy on Thursday, 10 February 2022.

What follows is the script for my Opening Address for your consideration:

Assumption College, Pope Francis's Laudato Si’ challenges our community to recognise that everything is interconnected. The way we interact with each other, and our common home, does impact on the manner our culture thrives. As we explore the ancient teachings, we are empowered to recognise the responsibilities that we hold to each other and the country on which we stand.

So often we are bombarded with the phrase that we are living in “unprecedented times” – whilst it is true that the pandemic is affecting our lives, “unprecedented” is not a negative concept. I would like to challenge the negativity evoked by this cliché. We have already demonstrated, through our move to online learning and the delayed start to our 2022 school year, Assumption College is responsive and adaptable to any situation. We are reminded by Pope Francis, through Laudato Si’, that nothing in this world is indifferent to us. We are interconnected and interdependent – this is how we are able to thrive.

In any given situation, if we are able to be see the opportunities which are presented to us, then unprecedented becomes an opportunity to think differently, respond differently and to challenge artificial barriers that we create.

For example, in 2020, at the first peak of COVID, our global environment was able to take its first deep breath since the Industrial Age. With global lockdowns, carbon emissions decreased – which in turn saw a dramatic decrease in air pollution, water pollution, and the ozone layer actually healing. We witnessed the ecological restoration of our national parks and oceans, a positive experience for our Earth. This is not us being blind to nor minimising the problems which we are facing – it is a mindset that looks for the potential to learn from every situation. In an interview I had last week, I was asked – “are you an optimist?” My response is that I am not an optimist – I am a realist who is committed to finding the opportunities in every situation. In our current context, we have seen that the impact of COVID 19 on the environment – through a united and interconnected response – is an opportunity to strengthen environmental sustainability and protect the earth from the effects of global climate change.

Imagine the potential this way of thinking has in the context of Assumption College. In 2022, we have already faced a variety of changes and ways of working. Instead of being a draining experience, let us be energised by the spirit of our charism of Edmund Rice – and his commitment to the Liberating power of education, Catherine McAuley – and her commitment to the Empowerment of all, and Mother Mary – and her bravery in nurturing the Spirit that we strive to enliven every day.

The anticipation of endless possibilities sits within our community as we begin this new year. Our challenge is to recognise that we are all interconnected and as such we are all responsible for each other and our earth. I thank you for affording me the opportunity to join Assumption College on its journey of Truth and Love, in 2022.

Academic Pin Ceremony

During our COVID-Safe Academic Pin Ceremony, it was announced that Jewel Schnitzerling was the 2021 DUX of Assumption College. Jewel’s outstanding ATAR result will serve as further inspiration for all our Academic Pin recipients. Our Academic Pin award recipients are celebrated later in this newsletter. I would like to acknowledge Assistant Principal – Curriculum, Mr. Michael Simpson, and Mrs. Jess Cantwell for the organisation and presentation of this award ceremony.

Assumption College’s Advisory Board – Thank you, Jill Hume

All boards associated with Toowoomba Catholic Schools are Advisory Boards. An advisory board is a structured and collaborative approach to engage with and gain insights from external advisors. The role of an Advisory Board is not to make decisions but rather to provide current insights, critical thinking and critical analysis of the strategic vision and mission of our College.

For the past three years, Mrs. Jill Hume has been Assumption College’s Chair of the Advisory Board. In my short time as Principal, I have been overwhelmed by the courage and support of Jill. Her grace and insight have seen her leadership of the Board be characterised by a collaborative and supportive advocacy for the betterment of Assumption College.

I am joined by all members of our interconnected community to give thanks for Jill’s commitment to Assumption College, to ensure that we were able to pursue our strategic vision over the past three years.

With Jill’s departure from our Board, I would like to welcome Ms. Sharon Collins, Principal of St Saviour’s College and ACEL Leadership Award recipient for educational excellence in diverse environments, as Chair of Assumption College’s Advisory Board. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome, Mr. Kort Goodman, back to our College community as a Board member, a critical appointment given that a key focus for 2022 will be the review of our strategic plan – a strategic plan that was penned and implemented by Mr. Goodman when he was principal.

Our Advisory Board meets at 6:00 pm, every third Wednesday of the month.

Parents and Friends Committee (P&F) 

Assumption College’s P&F will be meeting on 14March 2022.

Meeting with Mrs. Sophia McLucas, it is clear that in 2022 the P&F is committed to welcoming and supporting new families and individuals to our College community. The P&F Committee is seeking to embrace new members in a collaborative and unified manner for the betterment of our College.

I have had the great privilege of speaking to several parents and guardians over the past three weeks. I have listened to some great ideas which deserve to be heard. The P&F Committee is the place to raise these ideas and have discussions on how we can implement them to ensure that Assumption College remains synonymous with high standards and high-quality outcomes for all our students and community members.

Our P&F meets at 6:30 pm, every second Monday of the month.

Brett Lee Year Level Presentations and Parent/Guardian Webinar 

Many thanks to our Deputy Principal, Ms. Natalie Smith for her organisation of Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education, to present to our College community. Students from Years 7 – 10, had a presentation throughout Monday, 8 February 2022 whilst parents and guardians joined members of staff for a webinar in the evening.

Cyber safety is paramount. Not only is the College ensuring that our community is well informed, but we are also paving the way for our students to function effectively and safely within their 21st century context. This can be seen in the quality of devices provided, the utilisation of online learning environments, such as Teams and CANVAS, and by embedding appropriate cyber awareness throughout our units of learning. As parents and educators, it is imperative that we are responsible for allowing the young people under our care, to engage with technology and the online environment in a safe, fun, and educational way. Thank you to Mr. Lee and Ms. Smith for ensuring that this can be done in a way that mitigates risks and issues.

Pink Stumps Day 

Congratulations to Mr. Robert Bell and his team of Ms. Dimity Brackin, Mr. Tom Duggan (Scorer), and Mr. Matt Bruton (Umpire), along with Assumption College staff, who played as part of the staff cricket team. The match was played in idyllic conditions, which juxtaposed the hotly contested competition between staff and students. A match report follows, in this newsletter.

Our College has been supporting the McGrath Foundation since 2014. Please join our entire College as we thank Mr. Bell for his dedication to this cause.

Year 11 Curriculum Information Session

On Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2022, Mrs. Julie Collins – Year 11 Pastoral Academic Leader (PAL), Mrs.

Ali Porter – Career Development Practitioner, and Mr. Michael Simpson – Assistant Principal Curriculum, showed great love for our Year 11 cohort and their parents/guardians by holding a Curriculum Information Session via Teams.

Important information was covered, including how you can attain a Queensland Certificate of Education, the expectations surrounding internal assessment and the requirements for external assessment, information concerning General and Applied QCAA courses as well as Vocational Education and Training courses, Results, reporting and academic interview plans, and finally, five (5) tips on how to effectively study.

Whilst COVID may change the way we disseminate this important information, we will are comitted to maintaining timely, clear, and valid communications to ensure best practice for our students.

Boarder District (BD) Summer Trials 

Thank you to Mr. Tom Duggan and Ms. Natalia Webb for travelling to Goondiwindi last Wednesday, 9 February 2022, to supervise our Assumption College Students who participated in the BD Trials. We were fortunate enough to have four (4) students selected for further representative duties. Please see Mr. Duggan’s report in this newsletter for further details.

Year 12 Senior Jersey Blessing and Presentation 

On Tuesday, 22 February 2022, Assumption College will host a breakfast for our Senior Class of 2022 at 7:30 am. Fr Franco will be in attendance to bless and present our Seniors with their Year 12 Jersey, along with our Executive Leadership Team, and Year 12 PAL. As per current COVID health guidelines, unfortunately, we are unable to have parents/guardians attend; however, we will commemorate this celebration with photographs to share with our families.


May Our Mother Mary, grant her blessings upon our College community.



If you wish to submit a newsletter article, please email to by 2nd March 2022. Please note that all articles are subject to the Principal's approval. 

By Ms Natalie Smith, Acting Deputy Principal


Bullying. No Way!

The Pastoral Academic Leaders and the Pastoral Teams are taking a serious stance against bullying behaviours and harassment this term. Over the next few weeks, our pastoral sessions will be focusing on inappropriate behaviours and discussing strategies on how to respond to bullying and cyber bullying. As well as promoting the theme of “Being kind online” in the lead up to the 2022 National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence on Friday 18 March 2022.

Our focus started on Monday 7 February 2022, with Years 7 – 10 hearing from Brett Lee of Internet Safe Education. Mr. Lee addressed student safety online and the issue of cyber bullying. He then ran an informative webinar for parents the same evening, recapping the topics he had covered with students. Mr. Lee gave excellent, practical strategies for both students and parents on how to respond to bullies and other issues regarding safety online. Students will be revisiting these issues in their PC groups and in their pastoral programs over the coming weeks.

Uniform Standards and Language

Thank you to all parents for their ongoing support of the College when it comes to uniform standards and expectations. PC teachers and PALS will maintain their focus on uniform standards over the coming weeks by conducting ongoing uniform checks. Students who do not meet the standards of uniform requirements, will be internally or externally suspended until such time that the issue is remedied.

Furthermore, our students are reminded that it is not appropriate to use foul language, intimidate or bully others or to be aggressive and/or argumentative when corrected for inappropriate behaviour. Students who do so will be sanctioned appropriately. In the case of swearing, students will be internally suspended and expected to work under supervision in the office for the day.

As I wrote in the previous newsletter, we are a community that greatly values the importance of respectful relationships and interactions. A consistent and supportive partnership between the College and parents is a key aspect in developing the students' understanding of the importance of good manners.

The high expectations we have of our students include wearing their uniform properly, both on campus and when out in the community, attending school every day, participating in all College events, striving for their best academically, demonstrating respectful behaviour and using their manners on all occasions.

While we have these high expectations of our students, we know that we cannot be successful without the support of you, the parents and caregivers.  Thank you for your continued support of your children and our College.

By Mr Michael Simpson, Assistant Principal Curriculum 


Assessment Policy

In the Mercy and Christian Brothers tradition, Assumption College is committed to the educational philosophy that encourages all students to achieve personal excellence in their desired pathways. With assessment fast approaching, it is essential that parents and students familiarise themselves with the Assumption College Assessment Policy.

This assessment policy incorporates the roles, responsibilities, processes and procedures, used by Assumption College to ensure academic integrity, concerning the completion of work and the submission of assessment (including exams).  

The roles and responsibilities outlined apply to all Assumption College students, parents/guardians and staff, and comply with policies and procedures set down by the QCAA (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) and the College.

It includes procedures and processes for:

  • Promoting academic integrity
  • Managing academic misconduct
  • Applying for AARA (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments)
  • The submission of assessments (including both internal and external tasks) and the administration of external assessment.

Conducting assessment within the Senior Years (Years 10-12), is to ensure that all assessment will be valid, accessible, and reliable. Assessment activities will be created by cooperative teamwork (where there is more than one specialist teacher) or the responsible teachers working with the Assistant Principal Curriculum. The Assistant Principal Curriculum has oversight of the curriculum and assessment in Years 7-12. All QCAA processes must be followed in the first instance for Years 11 and 12 assessment.

The assessment policy can be found on the College website or via the link below. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the College.

Assessment Policy

Academic Detentions

Assessment is one of the most important parts of a student's learning journey. It is an opportunity to obtain feedback on their learning and create opportunities to improve. Therefore, the College has high expectations regarding assessment. Any students who fail to meet the requirements of the College’s assessment policy, may be subjected to an after school academic detention. These will occur on Tuesday afternoons, from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. If your child falls into this category, then you will be notified by the classroom teacher, and a letter sent home outlining the procedure. The College would like to thank parents for their continued support of high expectations for academic success.

Academic Pins Awards

Congratulations to all of our Academic Pin winners! These awards are another opportunity to recognise the outstanding skills and talents of the students of ACW. The College is proud of all of these students and the many others who strive towards excellence in a variety of areas, including the academic, sporting and cultural life of ACW. We look forward to further opportunities to celebrate success in 2022. Well done students! You should be proud of your effort!
Please see link for our award winner recipients

2021 Assumption College DUX

Congratulations to the 2021 Dux of Assumption College, Jewel Schnitzerling, who achieved an outstanding, and near-perfect, ATAR of 99.25. Further, Jewel scored 90% or above in five of her six subjects, including a score of 98% in Physics. The College looks forward to celebrating with Jewel in the near future.


Senior Date Claimers


By Mrs Carol Sharp, Assistant Principal Religious Education


Welcome Liturgy

On Thursday 10 February 2022,  we held our Welcome Liturgy for the commencement of the academic year. This liturgy was held in Pastoral Care classes due to COVID restrictions preventing us from gathering as a whole school community. In this liturgy we explored our liturgical theme for 2022 ‘…every person living on this planet…’ a quote from Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si. Our readings, prayer and reflections explored the teaching that we are all interconnected, and it is not only a moral imperative, but also an existential imperative, that we respond to both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.

As part of our liturgy, each PC class was gifted a plant, to nurture and grow throughout the year. These plants were placed in a sacred space, and it has been lovely to walk into classrooms and see these sacred spaces brightening up the rooms.

Year Level Masses

There will be a delayed start to our Year Level Masses this term, due to ongoing COVID restrictions. At this stage, the masses for this term are scheduled to occur on:

  • Tuesday, 15 March 2022 (Year 10)
  • Tuesday, 29 March  (Year 12)

All other year levels will have their Semester 1 masses in Term 2, subject to COVID restrictions.

Pastoral Liturgies

This is one liturgical experience, which has not been affected by COVID restrictions – thank goodness! Our liturgies begAn on Wednesday February 16 2022, and each Pastoral Care class will have the opportunity to experience the liturgy over the course of the semester. In-line with our focus on Pope Francis’s Laudato Si, this semester’s PC liturgy will focus on The Cry of the Poor. We look forward to welcoming Fr. Bony into our PC classes to help us explore this theme.

Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Group


We have started the SVDP group again this year. As always, the focus of this group will be to run Project Compassion over the Lenten period, and the Vinnies Christmas Appeal in Term 4. This year, the SVDP group will also be in charge of sourcing as many social justice or community service activities as they can. The main role of this group will be to connect students with community groups, or opportunities within the College, to give back to the community. This is particularly relevant for our Years 7 – 9 students who will once again be completing a Praxis Community Service task this year.

Ash Wednesday

The Lenten season is fast approaching with Ash Wednesday falling on 2 March 2022. As always, we will mark the occasion with a small liturgy. As this date falls within the current increased COVID restrictions period, this liturgy will occur in Pastoral Care classes rather than House groups. We will also be unable to distribute ashes on our forehead due to COVID restrictions.


The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes – World Day of Prayer for the Sick

World Day of the Sick was first observed on February 11, 1993. February 11 is also the Catholic Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, a name given to the Virgin Mary in honour of the apparitions that were witnessed in and around Lourdes, France, by a young girl called Bernadette Soubirous. The Church canoniSed Bernadette as a saint several years later. Lourdes has become a pilgrimage site for those who are sick and in need of healing.

How appropriate then, that our annual fundraiser for the McGrath Foundation – Pink Stumps Day – occurred on February 11. As we dressed in pink and purchased food from stalls to help raise money for the foundation that aims to supply all people suffering from breast cancer with a breast care nurse, we were all being instruments of healing in the world. Congratulations to all who participated in the day, especially for Mr. Bell’s continued organisation and the Year 12s for leading the way.



O God, healer of body, mind, and soul, help us never to forget that your Spirit guides us, your heart consoles us, and your hands bring us consolation and hope.

May the thread of your love be interwoven with the love of our friends and families, and the support provided by all those who care for those in need.

Guide us all to be signs of your loving presence and instruments of your healing.

Look with compassion on all who are suffering in any way today: give them courage.

We pray this in the name of Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you now and always.


By Miss Denise Ryan, College Chaplain

To our new families, welcome! My name is Denise Ryan, and I’m the College Chaplain. I am here to provide social, emotional, and spiritual support to students and/or staff.


Classroom Visits

On Wednesday 9 February 2022, I had the pleasure of visiting Year 7 classes throughout the day, introducing myself and my role at Assumption College. We discussed the importance of decision making in the classroom, during our lunch breaks, at home, and even when we attend extra-curricular activities. We all have three choices we can make (see pictures below). Choice one is not the most productive choice to make, choice two reflects poor attitude, and the third choice is entering the classroom with an open mind and heart, just simply 'giving it a go'.


Breakfast Club

We have had a wonderful start to the year with our Breakfast Club, where plenty of old and new faces have made the most of what is on offer. For those who are unaware, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 7:30am to 8:40am, we host a Breakfast Club. We have a variety of options; toast with jam, vegemite, honey, cereal, juice and Milo! 

Library Competitions

It was decided this Monday, after much discussion and brainstorming, that our Library competitions this term will be a Model Doomsday Preparation Competition, and a drawing competition. There will be several different categories in which the students can enter, more details will be available next week.

Remember to smile and be grateful for the small gifts in which we receive everyday. Have a great week! Please feel free to contact me via the College phone number or via email, for any questions or concerns: 

Doomsday Survival Competition


The Great Library Drawing Competition


By Mr Thomas Duggan, Sports Coordinator

This year, Assumption College has decided to join neighbouring schools to start a year-long Interschool Sporting Competition. We are starting the competition with a T20 cricket tournament, which is taking place this term. Starting on Wednesday 23 February 2022, our u14 and Open team will play St Joesph’s Stanthorpe and Warwick State High School, respectively. The last matches for the term will be played on Wednesday 9 March 2022 against Scots PGC College. Our College teams will be selected based on nominations made by Friday, 18 February 2022.

Assumption College has once again entered the QISSRL and QISSN Confraternity for 2022, which will be hosted in Mackay in June. Our players and coaches are looking forward to this carnival and have commenced training this week, in preparation for trial matches and local competitions, leading up to the Confraternity. We wish these teams an injury free preparation.

Our College sporting calendar is very busy during Term 1 with plenty of representative opportunities arising for students in an array of sports. I encourage students to listen to the daily notices each morning and follow up with me, Mr. Duggan, so that they do not miss out on these opportunities. Coming up is the Border District Winter Trials for Rugby League, Netball, Soccer and Basketball, more information about these trials to follow.

Border District Representative

Wednesday 9 February, Assumption College had four (4) students selected to represent Border District at the Darling Downs trials for Cricket and Touch Football. Anytime a student is selected in a representative team is a massive achievement. We would like to congratulate, and celebrate the achievement of our students making the following teams: Cooper Murray – u15 Touch Football, Hamish Gartery – u19 Touch Football, Harry Marshall – u15 Cricket and Tom Doherty – u19 Cricket.

Darling Downs Representative

On behalf of Assumption College, we would like to congratulate Tom Doherty for attending the u19 Darling Down Cricket Team trials held on, Tuesday, 15 February 2022, and being successfully selected. This is a great achievement, and we wish him all the best for the upcoming state carnival.


Queensland Representative

During the school holidays, Ella Hagenbach was selected in the u15 State Hockey team. Ella will represent Queensland at Newcastle in the Easter holidays. We wish Ella the best of luck and congratulate her on this outstanding achievement.


Pink Stumps Day
By Tom Doherty, Year 12 Sports Leader

Last Friday, Assumption College had their annual Pink Stumps Day. As a College, we raised over $2,308.50 for the McGrath Foundation.

After school, the annual Assumption staff vs Year 12 students game took place. It was a fun and exciting game of cricket which came down to the wire. The game went down to the last over with the students winning by 3 runs. Great efforts all round from the students and teachers.

We would like to thank our sponsors, Hire Solutions (Eastwell family), Back to Heath Chiropractor (Matt Lonsdale), Sovereign Hotel (Worth Family) and ACW College.

We thank everyone for their efforts and donations towards the McGrath Foundation.

Assumption College, Key Personnel

The following table outlines the key people to contact if you have any concerns or wish to make positive feedback throughout the year.


The table below identifies the Curriculum Leaders and which subject areas they look after.


Should any matter remain unresolved or be deemed as urgent, and the appropriate line leader be unable to answer, please make an appointment to see our College Principal, Mrs. Liisa Hammond.

Arts News 

Yr 9 Art Murals

Congratulations to our Year 9 Art Students from 2021, whose murals were installed on the walls of the school over the Christmas break. Each student had to create a large mural that reflected an aspect of Assumption College, and develop their design combining words, images and key symbols which represent the College. Students chose the various locations for their work as part of their design process. Included photographs demonstrate the diversity of these works and how they add to the overall look and feel of the College, as they celebrate different aspects of school life. This project has be happening for four years now and students never fail to impress me in their efforts on this challenging large scale project.  

Senior Art 

Senior students will be engaging in their Studio Day in upcoming lessons, and visiting GAGOMA to view the current APT10 exhibition. I look forward to seeing how these stimulus experiences enrich their art making processes, as well as the overall discussion of the diversity of art and art making processes. If you would like to know more about the exhibition, please view their website, The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT10) - QAGOMA.

Changes of date for booked cultural performances from Mashed Theatre and Shake & Stir theatre companies.

We had two cultural performances booked in the first five weeks of this year which, due to covid have had to be postponed and moved. We are currently negotiating to have the Year 7/8 viewing of Territorial, moved to later in the year, and to change the I, Rhetoric drama absurdist work to a Shakespeare production to match student class content, also later in the year.  

Year 7 Humanities 

This week, our year 7 Humanities students completed an archaeological dig. They mapped out where they found their chocolate chip artefacts in their cookie.

Principal's Welcome BBQ 

We will officially be welcoming Mrs. Liisa Hammond to Assumption College at our Welcome Afternoon BBQ, open to the community on Friday, 11 March 2022, commencing at 5:30pm. We would like to invite students, families, and any members of the wider community, to join us at the College for the evening to meet and converse with Liisa. Liisa will take this opportunity to introduce herself further, and tours of the College will also be available for interested people. For further information or to rsvp, please contact the College office on 4660 4000.


Tutoring is back for 2022! It will take place on Thursday afternoons from 3:15pm-4:15pm with Teachers on a rotating timetable. Students are welcome to bring any work for which they may need clarification, including assignments or examination preparation. Please call the Office for further questions. 

By Mrs Mary-Anne Driver, Library Aide

We are slowly starting to get sorted in the library. Approximately 1,500 textbooks have been issued to students.  Please encourage your students to look after these books, we need each book to last 5 – 7 years!

Our activities are now set for this term.

On Mondays, Miss Ryan is going to be holding two competitions – a drawing competition and a Doomsday Prep competition.  The sign on sheet is in the library.  Stand by for some fun Monday breaks! 

Wednesdays is our device free day – we will be having board games and Mrs Gillespie will be popping in for craft and chats. 

Fridays is chess day. Mr. Rank and Mr. Hedge will be coming in to challenge and help anyone interested.

The Year 7 cohort have been visiting the library for orientation.  During this time, we have made sure they can access their digital textbooks and we have introduced them to how to print here at ACW. We have also been speaking about Wheelers Ebooks and audio books and teaching them our new method of shelving our fiction books – by genre.  In our collection, Fiction books (F) can be borrowed by all students; however, Senior Fiction (SF) is only available for students in Years 10-12. The decision to place books in SF is based on reviews stating age appropriateness, and many in the SF are shelved there due to the books containing more mature themes.  If your younger child wishes to borrow from this section, we will send home a note advising the book they wish to borrow and why it is in SF. We would then recommend you discuss the title with your child and do your own research, to make an informed decision. If you are happy for them to borrow from SF, we ask you sign and return the form. Please remember, we will support your decision and if you would prefer your child to wait until they are older to access the title, that is ok!

By Mr Scott Clegg, Business Manager 

Collection Notice for parent/guardians - 
2022 Student Residential Address and Other Information

The Australian Goverment Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department) would like to notify you that a request has been made for your child's school to provide residential address and other information as required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013.

Please see link for more information:

School Student Travel - Term 1 2022

NSW Students who need a School Opal card or travel pass but have not yet applied need to apply or update their details as soon as possible. 

Please see link for more information: 

New Uniform Items 
We have received correspondence from Lowes that our new uniform items have arrived and are available to purchase. We now have shorts ($39.95) and long pants ($40.00) available for our female students, and our ACW green pullover knit jumper - unisex ($89.95).